Welcome to Jack's Page everybody!
The picture here is the view from my window on the East River in Long Island City. Manhattan has a view of me, but i don't especially envy it.
i could call this page a work in progress, but the progress lies ahead.
jackspage.org is up but hardly running. i'm learning how to enter things. i hope you'll get back to me. My own numbers are:
John P MacKenzie
CityLights, 4-74 48th Ave apt 4D
Long Island City NY 11109
718 340-1134 cell 917 270-7943
When operative, this will be a personal / family / general website
It will have a HOME page, a COMMENTARY (BLOG) page with wisey remarks on the news, a PERSONAL/FAMILY history page, partly to start on the memoir my kiddies have been after me about. There should be a MUSIC page, a CITYLIGHTS page covering my co-op , its issues and environs. It will have a page devoted to the writings, in The Washington Post, The New York Times, 2 books, law review and other outside writing. That sort of thing. Tune in, later.